We added final in the main branch and added many little improvements. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/9313356/3f29333798a59fa2ce836be73d9c9bf94c59ce18.jpg[/img] [b]Now final is available for everyone.[/b] From this moment you can consider this game completed, but we still will keep fixing serious bugs, if bugs like that will be find. [b]We plan to finish Early Access at 26 February, don't miss it![/b] There is still a small possibility that release will be few days later, but at current moment everything goes fine with that date. Update includes: [list] [*] Activated six new achievements, they all for the final section. [*] We added more events for the final section. [*] Now number of the altars and main items in inventory displayed correctly. [*] Used items now deleting from the inventory. [*] Now brightness configurations after the game events is not changing to default one. [*] [b]ArtyomKGy[/b], we fixed problem where after first launch of the game brightness could become incorrect and make gray or black screen. [*] [b]oku[/b], thank you for your feedback, we fixed all problems that you mentioned. [*] Small editing of the game-notes. [*] Final section optimization is little bit improved. [*] We added few easter-eggs. [*] Many small improvements of the previous sections. [/list] [i][b]ATTENTION:[/b] We seriously changed final section that is why old save files will not work correctly. You can start new game from the fifth section, it will not be critical for the events. [/i] Also, we update our game trailer, now it is not so dark as before: https://youtu.be/uoCdg6SQRoA If you have many followers on Twitch, Youtube or different blogs, we can help you with streaming or game review. For cooperation please contacts us here: [b]press@thecursedforest.ru [/b] Also, we plan to write an email to the different game reviewers. For this we will use the following emails: [b]noostyche@gmail.com[/b] [b]sergeidart@noostyche.ru [/b] [b]press@thecursedforest.ru[/b] If you got email from the different email address, please be careful, it can be fake accounts and scammers. In our email we never ask to install any additional programs, buy game from the strange stores, also we don't attach any files and don't do any suspicious actions. Usually we just ask to make a review and give free steam-key in the message without using any attachments and without clicking on links. If you want to translate our game on your native language, please write us on email and we will discuss about details, please write here: [b]feedback@thecursedforest.ru[/b] If we didn't answer on your message during long time, please don't get upset it could appear in the spam box, but we will still find it, it will just take more time than usual. If you need our response as soon as possible, please leave the message in the forum: https://steamcommunity.com/app/345430/discussions/ Also, it is appeared that in the old The Cursed Forest version, still you can easily enter through the Cryengine login: https://steamcommunity.com/app/345430/discussions/0/1776010325113697430/ If you want to check the original version, you can find it from here: https://www.indiedb.com/games/the-cursed-forest/downloads/the-cursed-forest-15-full-version That is all from now, stay tuned, very soon we will push this Big Green Button and get released!