[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/9313356/7b80bdbfe15b03373e7ccbd7fb9d4ee952f3c78c.jpg[/img] Last two weeks we mainly worked at section 5 (final section), except of that we made the following changings: [list] [*] We improved moment when player appearing in the cave. [*] We improved optimization of the section 2. [*] In the section 3 something in the hunter house will take your attention. [*] Now lamp material in the hunter house switching normally. [*] Boulder in the 2nd section and door in the 3rd section now shouldn’t disappear (we very hope so). [*] In the section 4 we left a surprise in the wardrobe. [*] Small corrections in the Scarecrow animations. [*] As [b]lostprophet[/b] asked (sorry that it took so long) font was modify with the symbol support that used for Hungarian language was integrated. Now for this language is possible to localize all the main elements. [/list] Lately we tried to launch The Cursed Forest on the [url=https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/]Steam Proton[/url]. Game run pretty well, but there can be some “twitching” when player using mouse, on gamepad there isn’t any problems like that. Also there is a possibility that can be other small problems, but except of that playing on Linux became easier. For better productivity we are recommending video cards that supporting Vulkan. In October we hope to release a free demo, in which full first section will be possible to play for free. It will allow everyone to check the game before buying and decide if it worth it (we hope it will worth it). That is all for now, stay tuned!