During last 3 weeks our game development is going well. In the 5th section we are finishing objects for the final scene, but still there is a lot of job to do – put environment objects on the level and need to set lightings. Also, we made our creator page, you can find it right here: https://store.steampowered.com/developer/noostyche [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/9313356/ae33911fd17b96b54ac86b3f2fe9886c09f24784.jpg[/img] As usual we made different improvements for the previous sections: [list] [*] We changed starting position for the 4th section, now it is more interesting. [*] New event for the 4th section is added. [*] 4th section optimization is improved. [*] From now on gamma and brightness configuration in the 4th section will not return to the default settings. [*] New event for the second section is added. [*] In some places of the second section too strong shining is decreased. [*] One of the first section game notes is changed [*] Few small improvements [/list] We will create small intrigue and say that in the next update we are planning to make a very big changing for the one of the characters, we hope it will not disappoint you. Stay tuned.