And here it is! Summer sales. The Cursed Forest take part in this sales and give you 30% off. [url=]Vladislav Ledenev[/url] (our 2D artist) decided to renew gamepad image that in gamepad configuration menu, soon we will add them in the game. He made 2 types. [b]First – usual:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Second – stylized:[/b] [img][/img] Which type do you prefer? Is stylized configuration easy to understand? During last 2 weeks we didn’t do much, small updates and improvements mostly: [list] [*] Intro quality has been improved. Also is it well working on your PC? Not freezing? [*] Small event for the second section. [*] We added some events for the third section. [*] Moment with dark house in the fourth section has been improved. [*] Small improvements. [/list] [img][/img] We already are working at last locations for the final section. The final one is left (which is the most hard to make). After that, we will need to set the sound, lighting and events. Probably it will take a lot of time. This stage of the game development usually takes most time. For us it is important since we want to make game final made on very good quality level but also we will try to find the balance between time and our desire. That is all for now stay tuned.