[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/9313356/4dc739e6f11f17d2bb374aca93291e483a83cdb0.jpg[/img] For most people summer is the resting season, but for us it is the hottest time of our job. Final section became more near to the full release, just a few things left to do. That makes full release of The Cursed Forest very closely. In current time we mostly concentrated to release last section but we will try to write short news more often. Even while we so busy we prepared update with a lot of previous sections improvements. [list] [*] Thanks to the Ilia Chernecov for the plugin that allowed us to integrated game intro playback. [*] We added option in configuration that allows to turn off V-Sync. [*] Problem with collision in the third section has been fixed. [*] Main ritual stone achievement now should be working. [*] Main character model was changed to the new one that is better. [*] In the third section finally view of the fourth section location has been actualized. [*] Few small events has been added [*] Different small improvements. [/list] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/9313356/fea630dcfe00900c44320f52a55893075d592dbc.jpg[/img] In the next update we plan to renew scarecrow model. It will be highly improved and it will make easier to animate it. Also we will continue to improve previous sections but mainly we will work hard at last section for make game release faster. Thank you for your time and don’t forget to follow our news.