[b]We finally decided our game full release date! [/b] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/9313356/290d8aced9ebd83ea410755b87cea9eb75d3f5d5.jpg[/img] [h1]It will be in the end of January. [/h1] It will help us to improve the game without rush and prepare promotion. For now part of the 5th section is available in the beta-branch. We want to add more improvements. Probably we put it in the main branch after a week. Here is a short list of things that we did so far: [list] [*] A lot of improvements of the 5th section. [*] In the available part of the 5 section’s beta-version we added small events. [*] We fixed some stuck problems in the 5th section. [*] We fixed the problem that rarely appeared in the second section. Problem - when you can go to the not allowed place which will block the way to the needed place. [*] [b]lostprophet[/b] updated his Hungarian language localization: [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/345430/discussions/0/1733210552657076111/?ctp=2#c1741101364304033742]CLICK[/url] [/list] We also want to remind that everyone who wants can try to make localization for his/her own language. Here is a manual how to do it: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1574244119 We will try to make the next game update after the week. Keep on touch.