Incredibly a whole year has passed since our game was accepted into Steam’s early access! [img][/img] We want to thank you so much for sticking with us through this time, waiting for the full release and helping us to find bugs, errors and generally helping us finesse the game. We carefully read all of your opinions and have been able to fix so much thanks to your feedback. Some of these things you can see in our most recent update. [img][/img] [list]As a bonus today I’m going to give you a few facts about our team and game development that you might not know:[/list] [*]In the beginning we talked at length about how to practically remake The Cursed Forest. We were torn between keeping the game’s original content and only updating the graphics (which would have taken about 4 months) or completely overhauling the original game and changing a lot of it. Although it may be the long route we decided to make a new game based on the old one. It took more than a year, but we don’t regret this choice as the game will soon be available and it’s exactly how we wanted it to be. [/*] [*]One of our main team arguments is whether Sarah is more of ghost or corporeal like a zombie (this argument was like deciding who was the strongest between Batman and Superman!)[/*] [*]At one point in time the majority of team members working on the Cursed Forest lived in one house together for a few months. During this time we discussed different game engines, investors, publishers (even though we eventually decided against them). During this time some very, very bad person ate all of our soup (who was that!?), some team members (and me) slept on the floor (not enough beds). A journalist temporarily moved in with us and fed us disgusting spaghetti. One of our team members is still holding his sweater as hostage, and promises to never let him forget about the spaghetti incidents, and remind him about it when he will be old. [/*] [*]So far our team has spent a total of 648 hours discussing the game in Skype (not even counting our arguments or the early access time we lived together!). Although we estimate about 300 hours of this was chatting and jokes (some of which was and will be released in game!) [/*] [*]In the original game the forest was one big territory, but adding more detail and high graphical content made a very long loading times. Because of this we decided to separate the map into four sections. This fixed the problem and helped us appear in Early Access.[/*] [*]The main character has no voice as a tribute to Gordon Freeman (and you thought I will say a silly thing that it is for you could place yourself in the role of the character...). The character Sarah is a tribute to Sadako and Kayako in The Ring (by the way have you seen a new movie where those two fight with each other?). [/*] [*]I (the writer) decided to include long notes in the game, not because I have verbal diarrhoea (although I could write an hour long story about a trip to the shop), but because even though our game may not be the longest we want it to have a huge story. The most attentive players will be able to find many secrets plot in our storyline, and the rest of the story in the upcoming sections. [/*] [*]If you have played our game and never touched the campfires please walk on them immediately! The strange and funny noise that the main character makes is a modified voice recording from our sound designer to dilute the tension.[/*] [img][/img] It is really hard to believe that a year has already passed! Our game is nearly completed and already the team is considering what to do next, what to do with the Cursed Forest after it’s released, but most importantly focused on this final spurt. [img][/img] We thank everybody who is waiting for our project and supporting us by testing the game. Our audience may not be the largest, but they are the warmest, and it has been a true pleasure to read all of your long emails with feedback. We thank you for all your support and kindness during our hard work.