[img]https://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/30894/229599015.6/0_24450c_fe52c76f_orig[/img] Good day everybody. Lately our team didn’t post any news, it is because we took a little vacation. We needed to solve a lot of private problems. One of the team member moved from his city another needed some rest time to normalize his health. But even on that time we tested CRYENGINE V. We thinking about transfer The Cursed Forest on it, because there is solved some of the problems that couldn’t be solved in the previous engine version (blurred textures, long loadings etc.). [img]https://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/30894/229599015.6/0_24450d_fa0fe4ec_orig[/img] In the current moment we are working at the game intro, where we going to tell you how main character appear on that forest. Also we testing and optimizing patch that going to improve the second section. As you probably noticed full second section release took little longer than we thought and we apologies for that. In the same time we are working at the third section of the game, so stay tuned for the next news! [img]https://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/122076/229599015.6/0_2445ea_25d57641_orig[/img]