After not so long absence [url=]The Cursed Forest autumn sale is continued[/url]! [img][/img] During this time we prepared not big update that content some fixes, here is the description some of them: [list] [*]We added gamepad inverting. [*]We added experimental improvement for gamepad support. [*]We added possibility to regulate FOV (Field of View). [*]We added possibility to disable sitting state icon. [*]In game menu is improved. [*]4th section is highly improved (we added many surprises). [*]Different small improvement. [/list] We want to remind you about our gameplay trailer, that we finally uploaded in our Youtube channel, you can find it right here: [url=][/url] Also we want to mention that this video was made in Blender video-editor. It is good, functional program that we like to use. [img][/img] And in the end we would like to mention that splendid vocal was made by Ann Yakubenko, we very grateful to her for helping us. You can check the photo right from the audio-studio. And also we want to remind you that this musical track was made by Nikita Yamov, you can check his art in that web-site: [img][/img] That is all for now. Don’t forget to check for the next upcoming news about our project. [b]If you have feedbacks please send them here:[/b]