Survival Mode Customization Now Available With this update, Survival Mode has added new customization options. Players can now adjust the following settings (with more settings to be introduced in future versions) to create a unique gameplay experience: Zombie Density: Control the frequency of zombie spawns. Runner Zombie Ratio: Set the percentage of running zombies. Zombie Health: Adjust the health of zombies. Map Resource Multiplier: Increase or decrease the rate at which resources appear on the map. Horde Interval: Set the time intervals between zombie hordes. In addition, we plan to introduce more exciting customization options soon, such as the ability to set special infected zombies to roam the streets at night, adding new challenges to the game. These customization settings can be found and adjusted under "Settings - Game - Survival Mode Customization" (must be set while in Survival Mode). Improvements and Fixes: Quest Flow Adjustments: Optimized certain quest flows for a smoother gaming experience. Interface Optimization: Fixed an issue where the teammate list would exceed the display area when scrolling. Durability Fix: Resolved an issue where rapid weapon clicks caused excessive durability loss. Quest Prompt Updates: Modified some prompts when starting quests to make them clearer.