[h2]General:[/h2] [list] [*] Opening character info after choosing Random no longer crashes the game. [*] Improved general network stability when playing with a spectator. [/list] [h2]Characters:[/h2] [list] [*] Kiyumi can now actually use the Strike Beam. [*] When Kiyumi is wearing a Powerstache, Kitsuro will now boost any bullet he strikes (we're currently evaluating if Kitsuro also needs to grow a moustache). [*] Fixed an issue with Mothilda's Ultimate: Chrysalis where the shields sometimes took damage if a different shield blocked a bullet. [*] Mothilda's Chrysalis now generates a small VFX when destroyed. [*] Fixed a bug where the wrong Sadie shot would get activated in online Sadie dittos. [*] Fixed a bug where bullet status effects (like stuns and freezes) wouldn't apply to Sadie in online mode. [/list] [h2]Stages:[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed an incredibly silly mistake in Twinkling Tower that deleted the moving shields when pausing the game. [*] Fixed an equally silly mistake in Windswept Wonderland that also deleted wind currents when pausing the game. [*] Fixed a bug in Windswept Wonderland that prevented wind currents from spawning correctly when playing with infinite time. [/list]