November: what a month! If you’re in the US, you associate it with turkey and pumpkin pie. If you’re in the UK, you probably think of Guy Fawkes and that very divisive thing he almost did. And if you’re reading this, you probably associate it with base-building and showing off new biomes in TerraTech Worlds! Here’s a little wrap-up of everything we showed off this month, all in one neat little package. Think of it as a multimedia gift, tied with a metaphorical bow. [u][h2]Arctic Antics[/h2][/u] We kicked off the month by giving you a first look at the frozen landscape of the Arctic biome, which brings new challenges to your journey through TerraTech Worlds. Instead of just having to deal with hazards and enemies, the Arctic weather is also something to contend with, as your Techs will start to suffer the effects of the cold. [previewyoutube=i1eCesRVf4M;full][/previewyoutube] Junior Designer Lewis and Video Editor Dean hopped on a livestream to show off some of this treacherous landscape, piloting a mighty Tech through the snow and ice, fighting off danger and adapting their gear to the Arctic. [previewyoutube=o3QgeToofpA;full][/previewyoutube] And if you’re interested in more of a deep dive behind-the-scenes look into the planning and design of the Arctic biome, we also [url=]published a Dev Diary[/url] with Lewis and Art Director Jason, where the pair go through some of the decisions that went into designing this new biome, as well as [url=]an initial teaser[/url] where they speak more to the origins of the biome. You’ll find out that the Arctic actually started off as a joke (like many things in gaming), but slowly made its way into Payloaders’ hearts. [u][h2]Building A New Home[/h2][/u] We also showed off a little bit of base building: bases are an important part of TerraTech Worlds, and Dean and Cassie even managed to definitely-not-trap a fellow Tech in their newly-built base, before accidentally rapturing them into the sky: [previewyoutube=9SUGCqH2OWI;full][/previewyoutube] We’ll be adding to this base as the weeks go by, so remember to wishlist TerraTech Worlds here on Steam to watch us developing the base in real time: we aim to stream every Friday at 2 P.M. GMT, and we send out a notification once we’re live! [img][/img] So that’s everything we showed off this month, we’ll be back in December with some more development updates! And, if you’re more of the TLDR; type, this month [url=]we also launched the Payload Studios TikTok channel[/url], where we’re posting gameplay snippets and behind-the-scenes interviews and development footage! An early Christmas present, if you will, if your Christmas list consists only of short form video content. Thanks for reading: see you in December!