Dear Supermoves testers, The curtain has come down on the Supermoves Playtest - and what an epic ride it has been! We want to give a massive shoutout to each one of the several thousands of players who joined us on this wild adventure. Your energy and enthusiasm have truly made a difference for us! From the hilarious moments - the Supermove to the SuperMoon? Yes -, to the fierce competition, some bugs, and the beautiful connection between the team and you, rest assured that these are moments we will cherish forever. Most of all, your feedback, suggestions, and ideas have been like a breath of fresh air for us. It’s amazing how a new perspective can spark creativity and help us make the game even better. With relentless dedication, we will forge ahead, refining, testing, and polishing - not just to make a good game, but an extraordinary one - the ultimate Parkour adventure awaits! As we wrap up this phase of playtesting - there's still a little bit of time to enjoy the playtest, it's ending on May, 24, it's not a goodbye but more of a "see you later" because we've got some seriously exciting stuff lined up. Like a demo but ssh! I wouldn’t like to spoil you anything. In the meantime, remember to share your most awesome screenshots on social media and keep the conversations going strong on Discord. Your experiences and insights mean the world to us! So, stay tuned for the next chapter in our adventure, because trust me - we’re only just getting started! [img][/img]