v1.5.15-16 - The Laser Guided Update!
Author: Deltars,
published 2 years ago,
Dear Stormworkers,
In this weeks update, we are adding a new component - the missile laser sensor component!
The missile laser sensor works a lot like the radar sensor, except it locks onto laser points rather than radar contacts. This greatly assists the creation of compact laser guided missiles and bombs.
This new sensor is similar to the laser point sensor, except it is smaller, cylindrical, and has the same composite output as the radar missile sensor, allowing simpler and more compact munitions.
We have included a new preset vehicle to help players get started with the new sensor. It works in a very similar way to the radar missile sensor, so you should be able to do a simple sensor swap-out on any existing missiles you have made. In our tests, it works great for both LG missiles and also bombs.
Thank you to everyone who gave feedback on last weeks announcement! We have been overwhelmed by the level of support and enthusiasm for this update and we can't wait for release!
Here is a quick recap of the roadmap to release:
30th Sept - More info and details of the Industrial Frontier DLC
7th Oct - Minor update including some very highly requested new components
13th Oct - Stormworks: Industrial Frontier DLC launch
We look forward to hearing your feedback on this weeks update. Be sure to join us next week for more important info on the Industrial Frontier!
Much love <3,
The Stormworks Developers
Patch Notes
Changes that include a #NUMBER relate to fixes or features submitted by the Stormworks community via geometa.co.uk/support/stormworks which can be accessed via the 'Report Bug/Request Feature' button in-game.
Posting a submission to this tracker ensures we review your suggestion/report since we may not see reports submitted via other channels.
Feature - Missile Laser Sensor (#5754 #6954)
Fix - #3713 Game music doesn't stop when returning to main menu
Fix - #7177 Charger sometimes not functioning as intended due to block placement order
Fix - Rope states not updating on client join
Fix - Held rope animation not matching hand position
Fix - #13070 Removed non-functional MC editor 'Don't show in inventory' option
Fix - #2633 Removed arrow rendering from logic links for improved performance