[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/f0424b0c5bcdcd309295ca1cb66494f3261be18e.png[/img] Dear Stormworkers, This week is announcement week, with a minor update due for release next week! We are working hard to improve Stormworks in many directions! Some of these directions are less interesting to talk about in an announcement, such as fixing crashes and digging through netcode, while more cosmetic changes tend to be easier to write about. One such direction we are exploring is improvements to audio! For a long time, players have been asking for improvements to various sound effects, and asking for new sound effects where audio would be useful feedback. For the last 8 years we have been lucky enough to work with [url=http://chris-randle.com/]Chris Randle[/url] and [url=https://www.jondaou.com/]Jon Daou[/url] across various games. For sound effects it has worked best in the past to order in batches, but for Stormworks we have frequently found ourselves needing sound effects on a weekly basis for a new component or interaction. This has encouraged reuse of SFX, or missing SFX out, and there are many places where we would want to improve. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/9f2c9e5d4a5e58e9c0b23e343ebf29e335dab96a.png[/img] Instead of ordering in batches, we will now be having a sound engineer work weekly with the team to improve all these missing and borrowed sounds, but also work creatively on the sound design. We hope this will bring a big improvement of quality of audio over the coming months, and we will be looking to players to let us know where they think we should start, and where the highest priorities are in terms of improving audio. In the mean time, we will also be getting on with all the various fixes and improvements, minor updates (including new frequently requested components), major updates, potential new DLC, and more. We look forward to your audio ideas! Much love <3, The Stormworks Developers