[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/3c839348ac703d38f499e31e30e550da9aa9e9f4.jpg[/img] Dear Stormworkers, This week we are adding the hopsital ship to Stormworks! This ship is an AI operated floating medical facility to which you can deliver casualties. You can find the new ship underway across the world of Stormworks in a similar way to the new refueler - this AI operated ship will roam freely conducting it's own patrol. This hospital extends the existing missions system - you can deliver casualties to the hospital ship like any other hospital. You must consider weather and sea conditions when delivering casualties - while the ship is underway, it can be challenging to land on the helipad or moor to the ship. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/e92e2acf307e7e19369c254fe6b54764d39e8320.jpg[/img] To create this update, we have refined the mission zone parenting system and lua API to allow better parenting of zones to vehicles. This means missions can now use zones attached to vehicles for any task such as delivering containers or cargo or persons. This is a really useful update for our mission plans as we extend what happens in career missions. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/b01b1a32d6ac8531389bbdfdf41227db0fe72c65.png[/img] As well as the hospital ship, we have continued to look at player reported bugs and issues. Please see the full change log for details on this updates fixes and improvements. Much love <3, The Stormworks Developers Patch Notes v1.2.21 Feature - Hospital Boat AI Vehicle Rework - Addon Zone parenting now uses the relative transform from the editor, zones in the world should now be correctly aligned with their parent Rework - isInTransformArea now uses oriented bounds to perform checks (previously using axis aligned bounds) Fix - Addon zones now despawn after returning a mission test to the editor Fix - Missing small triangles in the creative island floor (wheel raycasts failing in hangar and toward the runway) Fix - Ladders now apply a stronger exit force and attempt to push characters over the top