[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/6aabbd9e6d10052bef8f0b2e16a5950317a095d1.png[/img] Dear Stormworkers, This week is minor update week, with a bunch of new fixes and improvements! This update comes with a small UI change to add a search filter to the workshop upload screens. This is a player request, and while it isn't an important change to many, its a big deal for many workshop creators with a large library of creations. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/33f04f9dc739906de5e71c9e36b5d2302632caad.png[/img] The majority of the work has gone to fixes, with many important ones - crash fixes, engine fuel consumption, exhaust rendering, and more! We hope you benefit from this weeks minor update and look forward to your thoughts and feedback! Much love <3, The Stormworks Developers Patch Notes v1.10.5 Feature - Added search filters for workshop upload screens Fix - Particle manager buffer allocation crash Fix - #22715 Removed deprecated steam boiler pressure logic node Fix - #22890 Fixed issues with engine fuel consumption Fix - #23096 Updated approach to exhaust production and exhaust color Fix - #23178 Increased threshold for exhaust rendering from ports Fix - #23237 Diesel burner fuel consumption issues Fix - Improved modular engine stability Fix - #23029 Disabled look-direction forces when surface swimming Fix - #23040 Inventory and space seat fluid slot resolving issues Fix - #23240 Fixed unload islands from massive structures generating over vehicles within load range causing infinite saving/invisible vehicle issues (e.g. Donkk Isle Catenaries Addon) Fix - #23169 Temperature and radiation probes breaking Fix - Removed outdated helicopter and steam presets Rework - #23051 #23128 Astronomy coordinates system reworked: Astronomy coordinates are now in meters. Directional RX behavior is now more consistent.