[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/a143c353326b9e46857efe1b8e88e867e0c60116.png[/img] Dear Stormworkers, The week we are adding new screens! The new screen sizes are: [list] [*] 1x2 [*] 1x3 [*] 2x3 [*] 3x3 [/list] This new update is in direct response to community requests, and was discussed in the most recent Q&A video. These new screens function just like the original ones! They have the same pixel density, and work in the same way. They are in addition to the original screens rather than replacing them. This set of parts allows for players to fill their cockpits, bridges and vehicles with the correct screen size to meet their needs. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/6f0d894f76d37a15fd92571d3a1aafcfaecc9ce3.png[/img] We continue hard at work with the upcoming major updates, minor updates, fixes and improvements. We are largely on-top of the upcoming major updates and are finding more time for fixes and improvements. Expect some quality and fix updates coming soon. If you have specific feedback on exactly what issues you want to be fixed, please let us know on the bug tracker, along with clear steps to reproduce the problem. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/d061ac82ddc781837ff179305619c38ef303327c.png[/img] We also have new components, new features and new systems planned as part of upcoming minor updates, and we have plenty more details to announce with regard to steam and nuclear. As always, we look forward to any thoughts and feedback you have for us! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/135d63cd2da071f6ed50e8170b69ef1d16f0a01d.png[/img] Much love <3, The Stormworks Developers Patch Notes v1.1.20-22 Feature - New Monitor Sizes: 1x2, 1x3, 2x3, 3x3 Rework - Ai aircraft vehicle updates Rework - Fluids now spawn at ambient temperature of spawn location Fix - Modular engine manifold temperature not saving Fix - setBattery always setting to 100% (Now uses 0-1 range) Fix - Equipment bar reappearing when clicking an empty item slot Fix - Radiator fans spinning while paused Fix - Added classic career research tiers for modular engines Fix - Node names and descriptions for fluid radiator and air scoop Fix - Removed broken scoop intake 1x2