v1.0.25 - Vehicle To Vehicle Fire Spreading + Compressed Saves
Author: Deltars,
published 4 years ago,
Dear Stormworkers,
This week, as a minor update, we are adding vehicle to vehicle fire spreading, and have also added game save compression.
Now, when two vehicles collide with a little force, there is a good chance fire will spread from one vehicle to the other. At the point of contact, fire can spread if that point on either vehicle is currently on fire.
Fire spreading collisions require a little force, but much less than the amount of force required to do damage.
This change only makes fires more able to spread, more able to get out of control, and more deadly. If you are responding to a vehicle fire on land or at sea, please use caution! A small contact could set your vehicle alight and leave you stranded in the ocean on a burning ship!
Game saves had grown considerably in size the past few weeks since we added AI ships, so we added save compression to reduce game saves down in size. Saves typically reduce in size by over 90%. This also resolves several player issues where some players experienced slow downs during saving. We also addressed the issue with slow downs after loading previously saved games.
Save games remain backwards compatible so your old saves will still work.
The reduced save file size will also help us when adding more vehicles to the world, such as AI helicopters and planes that we plan to implement over the coming months.
Thanks to everyone who gave feedback on last weeks upcoming announcement! I don't think we have ever had so many comments on an announcement before.
As always, see below for the full list of changes including fixes and changes.
Also, be sure to check out experimental branch if you are interested in the modular engines. We added loads of new components this week and updated some mechanics. It is all a work in progress so some imagination is required but gives a sneak preview on what we are working on.
We look forward to hearing your stories about spreadable fire and other feedback :-)
Keep an eye out for a one off extra announcement early next week! We will be sharing some very big news as well as plans for 2021. We can't wait to share this info and will post it here on Steam announcements when we have all the info together (probably on Tuesday!).
Much love <3,
The Stormworks Developers
Feature - Fire surfaces now spread between vehicles upon physics contact
Feature - Game saves now compress vehicles (Smaller and faster saves)
Fix - Lag Issue after reloading a world with AI vehicles in waiting state
Fix - onCharacterSit not correctly returning object ID
Fix - PID Max Error not saved when returning a vehicles