[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/e703cb69ba57cca23d3536f446e85d096c0fe053.gif[/img] Dear Stormworkers, This week we have added the ability to play Stormworks with custom missions. You can now select playlists to be included when you start a new game, and missions will be randomly spawned from these playlists. This means you can now play career using missions downloaded from the workshop. This is the first part of a few updates we have planned that centre around the missions system and career mode. All playlists are active by default so be sure to select only the playlists you want when you start a new game. You probably want to deselect any vehicle spawner playlists, as you can still spawn these manually from the creative missions menu. Please let us know your thoughts and feedback! Much love <3 The Stormworks Developers Patch Notes v0.9.9-10 Feature - Playlist Selector In the new game screen, you can now enable and disable playlists, including custom mission playlists. These playlists will now spawn in both career and creative. All playlists are enabled by default, so make sure to check if you are subscribed to many workshop items! Fix - Wheels flipping vehicles at speed when placed too close together