[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/28842908/175dfdfe88e87cee5ac63cd2176dd51b48d1efc7.gif[/img] Dear Stormworkers, This week we have a game-changing logic component for you... Two function logic gates have been added. These advanced gates will evaluate mathematical expressions that you type in, allowing you to shrink a lot of your calculation logic into a single component. The small gate gives you one input (x) and the large has three inputs (x,y,z) which can be used in your functions. Most existing math operations are available with these gates, as well as some new ones that aren't available as standalone components such as atan2 and lerp. In response to feedback from the community over the past week, we have also updated the trigonometry gate to operate in turns instead of radians to make it more compatible with the existing pivots and sensors. You can read the full patch notes for this update below. We are also excited to officially announce that our next major update is [b]The Advanced Editing Update[/b], and it will be releasing very soon. Here's a sneak peek at some of the exciting new features included in the update... [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/28842908/25fc2c548c1327aaf6ddb389353bb450ea514dfb.gif[/img] Much love <3 The Stormworks Developers [b]Patch Notes[/b] v0.2.42 Feature - Added 2 new "function" logic gates for compacting existing logic systems (evaluates mathematical expressions composed of +, -, *, /, ^, %, (), sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, atan2, max, min, ceil, floor, round, abs, sgn, sqrt, len, len2, lerp, pi and pi2) Feature - Trigonometry logic gate now uses turns as its unit of measurement instead of radians (consistent with existing pivots, compass, sensors) Fix - Fixed not being able to get past initial loading screen when playing with Steam in offline mode Fix - Fixed spelling mistake in large keypad description Fix - Players spawn in correct place on server in multiplayer while still in wardrobe Fix - Fluid compartments work correctly on static vehicles Fix - Added description to seawater sample mission to make it clearer that there's a connector on the top of the sampling crucible Fix - Updated swimmer rescue mission to have a hint about the location of swimmer Fix - No longer need to restart game for recently saved changes to missions to be visible when spawning a mission from the creative mode list Fix - Ocean floor rocks are blocked from spawning within 250m of centres of tiles to avoid getting rocks in ya docks Fix - Fixed hinge connector attempting to flip around when connecting in some cases