Upcoming - Vote In The New Poll! And Fixes Updates v1.0.16-17
Author: Deltars,
published 4 years ago,
Dear Stormworkers,
We need to know, what do you want next in Stormworks?
Head over to the [url=https://discord.gg/stormworks]Official Stormworks Discord Server[/url] #announcements channel, and let us know what features you would like to next in Stormworks! Simply click on the associated emotes to vote for that feature.
It's really important to us that we keep in touch with players. Stormworks is a unique game with a very unique, creative community. Many of you have hundreds or even thousands of hours within the game, and know a lot of what Stormworks is about. We want to shape the next steps for the game with you, and understand the direction that you think we should go in.
We are currently working on the next major update - modular engines! This update is in progress and shared with everyone in the experimental branch of the game.
This week, we are also releasing a bug fixing update with many fixes and improvements to the quality of the game. Please see below for a full list of changes.
Much love <3,
The Stormworks Developers
Fix - Chat CTD
Fix - Toggle button not holding its state when power is cut
Fix - Multiple fluid spawners refunding costs for a shared volume
Fix - CTD on linking helm audio node
Fix - Muffle effect persisting when teleporting from a seat
Fix - Character physics unable to swim through small holes underwater
Fix - Camera transition not smoothed when exiting water
Fix - Active but expired mission vehicles despawning on save/load
Fix - Electric relay being interactable
Fix - Character capsule collision not disabling in seats
Fix - Rain/Snow hitting clouds
Fix - Water Cannons / Hoses consuming fuel
Fix - Character not crouching after jumping while crouch is held
Fix - Invisible ropes for multiplayer clients
Fix - Character ragdolls getting stuck in physics when exiting seats
Fix - Removed internal explosion ignition point parameter from lua createFire and mission editor
Fix - Winch ropes not having the correct number of physics nodes on spawn
Fix - Playlist Lua updates and documentation fixes
-- server.whisper() can now use peer id -1 for all peers
-- api now pushes integers instead of numbers where appropriate