[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/3bd6b88c5044ab8d23cbfce7249cecb8f1e4ada8.jpg[/img] Dear Stormworkers, [b]The Big Announcement[/b] Many of you have asked us questions about when this major update will release, what is in this update, and what is in future updates, We will answer all these questions on the 24th July (in 2 weeks). We will announce the release date, full details on what is in the update, our new plans for allowing players to be more involved in the development, our plans for more major updates, and another secret announcement which may be the most exciting part of all. This will be a huge announcement with a lot of information and we cannot wait to share it with you all. Make sure to check the news on 24th July for the big announcement. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/20e5248fd8c14d7b3d670af351f135be345e19f7.jpg[/img] [b]The New Weather Simulation[/b] In the upcoming major update, there is a new weather simulation system. Weather is now different in different places, and you can view this information in real time on the map. Simulated data includes wind, temperature, precipitation, lightning and fog. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/1ebaf36da20525f35d5333fe1ba4c38521962d24.gif[/img] Weather slowly changes as the simulation progresses. While the simulation is turbulent, it is possible to estimate what the weather is going to do over the next few days. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/7cacbf265a4c1e03cdaba81ec60d08002cfe020d.gif[/img] With localised weather, players will need to consider conditions and plan routes to avoid the worst weather as they travel across the world of Stormworks. Players will also need to make sure they have the correct equipment as the weather has such a significant impact on gameplay. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/382f4ee9c86720f3ee60777349f0fe0b893386e3.gif[/img] Temperature will also fluctuate with seasons. This means players will have to battle different temperatures at different times of the year. Personal equipment and the need to stay warm will play an increased role during the winter months, even when outside of the arctic. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/1359046167c9902aea4eb968c1a484aac3b0070b.gif[/img] With the new temperature system, we are also looking to integrate temperature more closely with other systems within the game, to give greater impact to the significance and consequence of the new weather simulation. In the mean time, please know we are continuing to work hard on this huge update which is getting bigger and bigger. The end is in sight! We also have some great minor updates and fixes planned. We will catch you all soon for more minor updates and the big announcement! Much love <3, The Stormworks Developers