[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/446ae5762a52639852cbeb8c9313659927090fa8.png[/img] Dear Stormworkers, The modular engines major update will release in less than a week, on [url=https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/roadtrip?iso=20210218T17&p0=136&msg=Stormworks+Major+Update+%2311+-+The+Modular+Engines+Update&font=cursive&csz=1]Thursday the 18th February 2021 at 17:00 UTC[/url]! This long-awaited and most requested new feature brings the ability to design and build your own engines, from modular parts. Over the last weeks and months, we have been developing this new major update and sharing our progress live on the experimental branch of the game. We want to thank the many players who have given their thoughts and feedback and helped shape this update. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/446640b810fb8171c90518a7b58d2906d262dd61.png[/img] The new modular engines give players the ability to build smaller and larger engines than ever before, arrange, shape and fit their engines to the form of their vehicle, and tune the behaviour and performance of their engines with the various new modules. While these engines may be more complex to design and build, they can be more powerful and efficient. The old engines will remain unchanged in the game, for simpler and quicker building where required. We can't wait to share this major release. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/7041bb0a2fdc4a3ecf97fb48f3c50ff30e1a7161.png[/img] We are also releasing a hotfix addressing several issues and making several improvements. Please see below for the full patch notes. [b]What is next?[/b] We are already working on the 2 most popular items on the most recent features poll, with over 3,000 votes each, nuclear reactors and modular weapons. We have been releasing the 5th most popular item (AI ships, planes, helicopters) as minor updates, and have other big features planned for this year. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/4ce310af23e3931cf938a91c45a98aa3473781f9.png[/img] Join us on the official Discord for the big major update launch on Thursday! Much love <3, The Stormworks Developers v1.0.34 Fix - Character teleportation bug (Causing twilight zoning) Fix - Secondary physics transforms after teleporting a vehicles Hanging seat, Ski, and all wheels Fix - Scripts ticking while simulation is paused Fix - Rotor blade mesh issues Fix - Rotor blade angle when mirrored Fix - Rotor definition force, mass and cost Fix - Rotor counter-torque not scaling with blade count Fix - Phantom force after all rotors are destroyed Fix - Added rotors to tech tree Fix - Explosion fuse ignoring random time component Fix - Scene ticking using camera transform in place of player transform Fix - Custom vehicle tooltips only appearing on non-editable vehicles Lua Api: Added x, y, z = getAITarget(character_id) added setVehicleShowOnMap(vehicle_id, is_show)