[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/b44a3f1d1a8810c887bd2e1b1a0182452aadd92f.png[/img] Dear Stormworkers, Last week was minor update week, so this week is announcement week! In this announcement, we will discuss the plans and strategies we have for game development over the next few years. [b]Stormworks[/b] We continue our support and maintenance plans, with minor updates planned every 2 weeks, major updates planned every 4 to 5 months. We also have a new DLC planned for the end of this year. Stormworks first launched its closed Beta almost 6 years ago, and we are still having loads of fun developing it. We have as many players as ever, and we plan to keep these updates going for a long time. [b]Minor Updates[/b] The issue tracker is driving most of the content in the minor updates, as we work towards tackling the remaining bugs there. Of the remaining reported bugs, some are fixed and undergoing testing, while many are planned and their work scheduled. We are making steady progress and are usually solving at least 10 issues each minor update. While bugs and the overall quality of player experience are our main concern, we are trying to introduce the occasional feature as an interest point for players. This can sometimes be a friction point with the community where some players feel that 100% of effort should go into resolving all issues. For this reason, we are thinking about dedicating most minor updates to bugs and quality, and keeping features for the major updates. As always, this is subject to player feedback. What do you think? [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/da3baa74c6d8ff0d86ef6f69981ad15a8bc7d7fa.jpg[/img] [b]Major Updates[/b] We have major updates planned and are currently working on content for 2024. We typically announce major updates with 3 weeks to go before their release. [b]DLC[/b] We are working on one new DLC to be released at the end of this year. We can't wait to announce this! Exactly how and when we make this announcement, we don't know yet. We want to get a bit more development done but will share info as soon as we can. [b]Not Stormworks 2[/b] As previously mentioned, we are also working separately on a new game! This new game doesn't affect Stormworks development and is a separate title. This game is super early in development and is mostly ideas, prototypes, technology tests, designs and discussions. Its a very long way from any release. Our goal is to make an awesome new building game, inspired by Stormworks, but also inspired by player creations, many other games, and our own new ideas. We plan to make far fewer features, but to a higher quality, with a greater level of finish. Until we have a final name for this new game, we are calling it "Not Stormworks 2". The point is that while we love Stormworks, there is no point cloning our own game. Most of the features from Stormworks won't be in the new game, but that's OK because it allows the new game to be it's own thing, and allows us to be creative and introduce new ideas! There are a lot of expectations around a Stormworks sequel, and this is something we have thought a lot about. It is best we focus those expectations on improving Stormworks itself. "Not Stormworks 2" is an ambitious building game, but it's a different thing and isn't intended to meet the expectations of a sequel. It isn't Stormworks 2! Something we are very interested in for a new game is full modding support. We have been researching and developing some really cool technology that is aimed at a new approach to modding that gives full control and access to mod makers. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/7251a826b7fc9578b9514679336a569441863117.jpg[/img] Player feedback is super important to us so please let us know if you have any thoughts on any of the above! We look forward to your feedback. Much love <3, The Stormworks Developers