[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/7d8a1baaa20c5480e9537799592122a4b7db1c81.png[/img] Dear Stormworkers, Thanks to all who submitted questions for the Q&A video! Sorry we couldn't answer all of the several hundred questions submitted, but this video feature is now a regular item and we will be sure to bring you more Q&A sessions in the future! Thanks to MrNJersey for hosting. [url=https://youtu.be/fqhd_IWep50]You can view the video here.[/url] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/05aa2a6a310392e31869205ae687d3ae749dc967.png[/img] For us, the Q&A was very useful! We are considering minor updates for 1x2 and 2x3 monitors, physics detail settings, and many other ideas! It's also a great way for us to engage directly with the community which we are really enjoying. In the Q&A, I hint at the major update schedule. It isn't good for us to give dates until we have finished the work and can be sure of a release date, but our intended schedule is to release a major update every 8-12 weeks, with minor updates every 2 weeks. This year you can expect major updates involving nuclear power, coal and steam power, natural disasters, and of course the weapons DLC. We also want to find more time for quality improvements and bug-fix updates. We can't say which order these updates will come, but we will let you know release dates as soon as we know them! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/fbe8455ff78e481e80ad6eb2e177f0f6ee930be6.png[/img] This week is an announcement week, but we are also releasing a bugfix update which we have been testing ourselves and with the help of the experimental group. This patch incorporates a bunch of fixes, including more performance improvements for AI aircraft. See below for the full change log. We are hard at work developing the upcoming major updates, as well as minor updates, bug fixes and general improvements. While developing the major updates, we have been adding some components which are generally useful in all Stormworks vehicle builds, and not specific to the nuclear, steam, or weapons features that we are working on. Expect new components arriving as minor updates in the coming weeks and months that are very useful in general use in Stormworks, but have an obvious weapons DLC application! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/aa8d0648ea65084e2aa559e6a254b3ae344b5493.jpg[/img] As always, we look forward to all your thoughts and feedback! Much love <3, The Stormworks Developers Patch Notes v1.1.14-17 Rework - Vehicle bodies that don't generate buoyancy data properly will have drag applied Fix - Improved performance of AI aircraft add-on Fix - Stopped ai_debug command from causing issue in multiplayer Fix - Can now deliver survivors to the hospital correctly