[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/c542774b8186d02e225e97a8e6fb8548eac1e9f1.png[/img] Dear Stormworkers, [b]Oil Disasters Major Update - 23rd June[/b] In one week (on 23rd June) the new Oil Disasters Major Update will release! This major update includes the new oil spill system where oil can leak into the environment, disperse, and spread with the current. Oil can be removed and the pollution cleaned using the new oil separators. New mission content involves damaged oil tankers, pipeline leaks, requiring ocean cleanup as well as submarine repairs! Submersible ROVs will have new value and purpose with these new mission types. As well as oil disasters, we are adding some new improvements to oil mining. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/05c9374b3867b6d2dcc7642ab8b61de1707fc3a0.png[/img] [b]Anti-Cheat Update[/b] A few weeks ago we announced that some multiplayer communities had asked for our help with some hackers who were using modified clients to impersonate other peoples Steam IDs, spawn weapons with infinite ammo, crash servers, pirate DLCs, etc. We take this cheating and hacking behaviour very seriously and we announced new anti cheat support. It was a very sad day to add anti-cheat to a non-competitive, sandbox game, with an overwhelming majority of kind and creative players. Our strategy is to close the ability to use these exploits, as well as detect and ban these hackers so they cannot return with more creative attacks. Bans are only issued after multiple developers have carefully and thoroughly considered the technical evidence, and there is certainty. Modding is not affected by this. We love checking out many of the creative mods that players have made, and are inspired by the incredible work and effort that goes into building them! We are only concerned with modified machine code that attacks servers or enables piracy. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/4259dfbfa890981def3157e69d54cb5a68f3de01.png[/img] [b]Future Development[/b] We remain hard at work preparing minor updates, major updates, and this years DLC which we hope to announce in the next couple of months! We are also already planning major updates for 2024 as we continue to support the game and the community. We look forward to your thoughts and feedback! Join us next week for the launch of Oil Disasters! Much love <3, The Stormworks Developers