[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/6028c33492855653423665da4c52bafbaa1ad907.png[/img] Dear Stormworkers, One of your most frequent requests are more tools to mod Stormworks, with more control and power over what you can do. This week we want to announce a new upcoming feature that we have been working on: [b]LUA scripting for game, player, mission, and/or multiplayer management![/b] In a major future update, we are adding a LUA editor that allows you to create, share and download game mode scripts! Adding the ability to create stuff is what Stormworks is all about. We are particularly excited about this one because of the wide scope to mod the game, create new gameplay and new experiences. The possibilities will be very broad and as usual, you players will surprise us with your amazing creations and ultimately surpass what we are able to do ourselves. So, what will be possible with the new LUA game mode modding? [b]Create Your Own Mission Systems![/b] Spawn cargo at cargo terminals, track delivery and reward the player? Create complex search and rescue operations with search areas marked on the map, track delivery of survivors to any of a number of hospital facilities? Trigger fires, trigger vehicle logic and more, with many new powers to author your missions. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/29c7565f68a33e79f0a7df3288cf215223b08013.jpg[/img] [b]Create Your Own Game![/b] With the ability to programatically position players, spawn vehicles, and present information to the players on their UI, you can create new rule sets for games. Set up team role-play games? Track vehicles racing around a track, implement rules and reset the track to start a new race? [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/cd209f0cdc5cebf768ace1b6601a9f94d2fb4c60.jpg[/img] [b]Server Bots![/b] Want to automate your multiplayer server? The LUA script can detect when players join, leave, spawn vehicles or take other actions allowing you to respond to these actions. This will allow some automated moderation, or other server side systems that you can install on your server. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/7bc6eecce2b304290a6ab42200f2de179eea65aa.jpg[/img] This is all part of a theme that we have discussed before - expanding what you do in the simulation part of the game, including improving the search and rescue gameplay. We have not forgotten about this, and in fact, this part of the development has grown to a much larger component and much larger update that we are very excited about. This is just one part of a huge update we have planned. Want to help? Let us know what you might like to create and what API you would need to do it! Much love <3, The Stormworks Developers