[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/7ee648c1e2499c8877eef50fce0358c4fa4a4378.png[/img] Dear Stormworkers, This week we have been working hard on bug fixes and quality improvements. We have a huge bug fix update planned for next week, with the two most important fixes being promoted to a hot fix (now live). Next week will be a particularly large bug fix update, thanks to the many players who have given very valuable information on the official issue tracker. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/c229c46588f8b46a47107e0f87ce403ca42aa24f.png[/img] Thanks to all the players who have let us know about issues through the official issue tracker - most of these fixes are a direct result of your issue reports. There has also been a marked improvement in the quality of reports since last weeks Q&A video where we discussed this - thank you for this extra effort, it is often the difference between us not understanding and dismissing an issue, and being able to fix it for the next update. The clear information is helping a huge amount. As well as these fixes, we are continuing work on the planned minor updates and major updates - we have some really cool content on the way that we are really excited to share. We discussed and gave some hints to some of the new stuff in development (such as new outfits), and previously discussed the new weapons focused parts such as small missile parts and chaffs, but there is plenty more in progress. We will announce more as the work comes together over the coming weeks and months. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/4cf6018dbbe87b498227266c04f1ff8541b96095.png[/img] Be sure to check back next week for the fixes update! Much love <3, The Stormworks Developers v1.3.12 (Hotfix) Fix - Hot but non-ignited fires no longer count as lit, consuming extinguisher particles Fix - Handheld weapons not spawning server projectiles unless host was rendering