[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/ca3aa793ce99750a2775b741321a906d7bf61c59.png[/img] Dear Stormworkers, Many thanks to all those players who have given us clear feedback to the latest update! With your help we have been working hard making several improvements! If you have feedback, let us know in a clear way with reproducible steps on the issues board. Some of you have been asking us questions throughout the week and we will share the answers here: [b]Should modular engines and other Stormworks features reflect real life units, and values?[/b] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/xTiTnm8AGoS75Cvyko/source.gif[/img] No. In Stormworks, we model lots of systems and mechanics to work in a real time game simulation, While the systems are based on reality, it's impossible to accurately model everything as if it was real life, in a video game. We balance systems to reflect real life, with simplifications, and balanced to work as a game. [b]Should modular engines overheat?[/b] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/3KVcFEmdDl9NYaFTtx/source.gif[/img] Yes. Overheating is a feature of classic and modular engines (unless you turn it off in the creative menu!). In modular engines, heat generation is directly proportional to fuel combusted. Engines under load and at high RPS will burn a lot of fuel and so heat up quickly. Manage the rate of fuel burn to manage the engine temperature. Check out the examples in the presets section for examples including coolant systems. Overheating can be avoided by combusting less fuel, and circulating more cool water through the coolant manifolds. [b]What is next?[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/06708cb1533a61897da0bc083adf80ab80f94d1a.jpg[/img] Thank you for asking because we are really excited to tell you! We are working on loads of the top features from the most recent poll, including AI ships and aircraft, nuclear reactors, steam engines, and weapons! We are really excited about all of it, and will be releasing these updates throughout this year. It is a really exciting set of features that were highly voted for by players (at least 2,500 votes each!) in the most recent poll. A few weeks ago we released the 2021 roadmap and that still stands, although the order of updates could change if you want them to. Now is the time to let us know your thoughts and feedback about what you want to see in the upcoming updates, how you want the mechanics to work, There is still plenty of time for us to integrate community feedback so we would love to know what you think. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28842908/2632334656f586dd9f33af73294fd68f3dd2efab.jpg[/img] As always, we continue to work hard on fixing issues and making improvements to existing features. Please see below for the latest patch notes. Much love <3, The Stormworks Developers Patch Notes v1.1.4 Feature - Updates to fluid gantries Feature - Added exhaust tooltip to cylinders Balance - Reduced exhaust production Balance - Increase intake scoop pressure Balance - Increased passive cooling rate Fix - Engines now passively cool when holding no coolant Fix - Modular engine belt rendering when mirrored Fix - Renamed torque node labels from Power to RPS