Major Update #10: The Multiplayer Performance Update - Out Now!
Author: Deltars,
published 4 years ago,
Dear Stormworkers,
It is time!!! [url=]The new multiplayer is out now![/url]
[b]New Smoother Multiplayer[/b]
The biggest change in experience is that now, multiplayer games no longer slow down to the speed of the slowest client. Instead, the physics is calculated on the server and sent to all clients. This means that clients run much faster and smoother, with fewer physics calculations, and games don't slow down just because 1 player has an old computer.
[b]Faster Physics[/b]
We have also made some big optimisations to physics which are particularly effective in multiplayer. This means that servers now run much faster with lots of players spread over a large area.
[b]Dedicated Servers[/b]
A Stormworks dedicated server tool is now available in the tools list in the Steam Library. Be sure to run the tool exe file rather than through Steam for the best experience. The dedicated server is currently for Windows, and runs in a command prompt window. No dedicated GPU is required, and otherwise, servers use the same recommended spec as the main game. CPU speed is the most important factor.
[b]Public Server Lists[/b]
Dedicated servers are listed on the new "Internet Games" tab in the multiplayer menu. This means you can jump into public games without needing to arrange before hand, or add everyone on Steam!
The usual limits within Stormworks do still apply - spawning huge mission vehicles that have been made via a modded version of the game will cause slow down, as will spawning large numbers of creations. In some simulation or network conditions, there can be extra input lag which makes some vehicles more suitable for multiplayer than others.
We are really excited to hear what you think of the new multiplayer! We are aware there will be loads of new opportunities that this opens up for new features, so please let us know your ideas! We are already talking about loads of things within the development team, but want to hear your thoughts before we decide the next steps.
Much love <3,
The Stormworks Developers
[b]Patch Notes[/b]
Feature - Dedicated Server Build
Feature - New Multiplayer Sync
Feature - Gyro Throttle Tuning
Rework - Improved Network Compression
Rework - Huge performance boost for base-level island physics
Rework - Greatly Improved experience when picking up objects
Rework - Chat messages now appear in the Quick-Chat box; which fades out slowly
Rework - Local Voice Chat quality and logic improvements
Fix - Fixes for most major voice chat crashes and issues
Fix - Desync between mission timers and debuff ticking
Fix - Winch sound cutting out at low length
Fix - Prevented crashes from occurring due to missing geometry
Fix - Reduced client shaking issues
Fix - Glass lighting showing the horizon through opaque objects
Fix - Video only transmitting on channel 0
Fix - Error message about RAM appearing when mistakenly detecting 0GB RAM