[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/28842908/8a7a881eea82ed662d4fa200a1544b2aaa77ba45.gif[/img] Dear Stormworkers, The missions update is here! This means loads of new missions content, new islands, new mega island, new mission editor with workshop support, fixes and more! [b]Feature - new mission editor with Steam Workshop support[/b] A brand new editing suite to author missions in Stormworks. Designed for creating campaigns, players can create playlists of missions, select locations, place characters, vehicles, fires, cargo, zones, and more, and then add objectives to their missions, write briefings, and test their creations out in game. This is a very powerful, in depth suite of tools that is easy to use. This is how the official mission content is created. [b]Feature - new set of official missions content[/b] Several completely new mission campaigns, replacing all existing missions and greatly increasing the number of missions, their variety, and scalability. These new mission campaigns range from critical sea rescues in stormy seas to major incident responses on flaming oil rigs. [b]Feature - 10 new island locations including a 6 sq km mega island[/b] A huge expansion of the locations to visit through exploration or mission content, new locations include a new oil rig, oil refinery, abandoned sea fort, and a huge mega island incorporating a quarry and mining site, large airfield, dock, and several villages. [b]Feature - fire system including new water cannon component[/b] Fire is introduced in missions, along with the necessary extinguishing equipment that integrates with the existing water pumps and tanks to create fire fighting mechanical equipment. We are still improving and expanding this feature so expect lots of updates on this over the next couple of weeks. After this we plan to shift focus to improving multiplayer, end of week minor updates, and the next major update. We can't wait to see the missions you create! Much love <3 The Stormworks Developers [b]Patch Notes[/b] v0.2.1 Feature - new mission editor with Steam Workshop support Feature - new set of official missions content Feature - 10 new island locations including a 6 sq km mega island Feature - fire system including new water cannon component Feature - new icons set Fix - player positions now correct in beds and harness Fix - player now takes correct position when getting out of seat avoiding physics issues Fix - winch slip reduced Fix - missions now detect completion correctly Fix - money rewards now granted correctly