Today's [url=]Steam Client Beta[/url] includes the following VR-specific changes. In order to get all of these changes, make sure you're opted into both the [url=]Steam Client Beta[/url] and [url=]SteamVR Beta[/url]. If you encounter issues with this update, please post in the [url=]SteamVR Bug Report[/url] forum. If possible, please include a system report to aid in tracking down your issue. [b]Replies to this post are not tracked for bug reporting purposes. Please use the forum linked above to report issues.[/b] [b]General:[/b] [list] [*] Support for multi-gpu system (e.g. laptops) which was causing the new Steam UI to not show up. [/list] [b]Steam Dashboard overlay:[/b] [list] [*] Filtered out vr overlay apps from recent games list. [*] Fixed auto switching to game details page on launch. [*] Never auto switch to app details page on launch for vr overlay apps. [/list] [b]Dashboard:[/b] [list] [*] Restored the dashboard button to exit VR. It's now safe to take off your headset. [/list]