If you encounter issues with this update, please post in the SteamVR Bug Report forum. If possible, please include a system report to aid in tracking down your issue. Replies to this post are not tracked for bug reporting purposes. Please use the forum linked above to report issues. SteamVR: Fixed a bug were hiding the dashboard and then calling IVROverlay::GetPrimaryDashboardDevice would return 0 instead of k_unTrackedDeviceIndexInvalid. Added a setting to disable gpu bus monitoring. (steamvr.vrsettings section "perfcheck" value "disableGpuBusMonitoring" type bool) Fixed missing font for many dashboard elements. OpenXR: Implemented XR_EXT_active_action_set_priority. Fixed some issues with automapping Oculus Touch bindings to other controllers when no other bindings were suggested. Enabled Visibility Mask for Oculus/Meta devices. Fixed some haptic issues including pre-set minimum duration to resolve issue with Vive Wands not responding to xrStopHapticFeedback.