If you encounter issues with this update, please post in the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/250820/discussions/3/]SteamVR Bug Report[/url] forum. If possible, please include a system report to aid in tracking down your issue. [b]Replies to this post are not tracked for bug reporting purposes. Please use the forum linked above to report issues.[/b] [b]SteamVR[/b] [list] [*]Fixed error 306 when running on Windows 7 [*]Fixed abrupt app exit when attempting to transition from 2D mode in Desktop Game Theater to a native VR mode. (Note: This fix also requires the most recent Steam Client Beta.) [/list] [b]OpenXR[/b] [list] [*]Fixed xrConvertTimeToWin32PerformanceCounterKHR and xrConvertWin32PerformanceCounterToTimeKHR applying an offset to the time values. [*]Changed application transitions to move session state to XR_SESSION_STATE_EXITING instead of sending an XR_TYPE_EVENT_DATA_INSTANCE_LOSS_PENDING event. [/list]