Valve is excited to announce our current and expanding support for OpenXR, the new industry-wide open standard for VR & AR. Thanks to The Khronos Group and the extensive hard work of OpenXR's many members (AMD, ARM, Epic, Facebook, Google, HTC, Microsoft, NVIDIA, Qualcomm, Unity, Valve, and many more) VR now has a consolidated API to enable developers to bring universal VR support to their applications. With OpenXR, for the first time, developers will be able to build their content in a way that will allow them to span the myriad types of hardware and software platforms. We think this is an extremely important and exciting step forward for the VR industry. [h2]What does this mean for me as a developer?[/h2] Valve is releasing initial support for the current 1.0.9 OpenXR release now, to enable developers to begin work implementing OpenXR applications that work with SteamVR, but it is not yet enabled for broad general use. [h2]How do I get access to this developer preview?[/h2] To get access to the OpenXR Developer Preview, opt-in to the SteamVR Beta. [olist] [*]Right click on SteamVR in your Steam library and select Properties [*]Click on the Betas tab [*]Pick "beta - SteamVR Beta Update" from the list [/olist] Steam will update SteamVR to download the beta, and from that point on you can run SteamVR like you normally would. [h2]What does Valve's definition of initial support entail?[/h2] Our definition of initial support is that SteamVR is currently passing 95% of conformance tests. This means now is the time to start testing things. If you run into any issues trying to use OpenXR with SteamVR we would love to hear about them in [url=]the OpenXR forum[/url]. [h2]What are the current limitations of this release?[/h2] [list] [*] SteamVR supports at most one projection layer, and that layer must be the first layer specified in xrEndFrame. This restriction will be removed before a full release of support for this API. [*] SteamVR's OpenXR implementation supports D3D11 and D3D12 (added 1.13.4) on Windows, and OpenGL (added 1.13.6) and Vulkan on both Windows and Linux. [strike]Support for D3D12 on Windows is on the way.[/strike] [*] Editing bindings for OpenXR applications is not supported. (This limitation will be removed before a full release of support for this API.) [*]SteamVR supports the following OpenXR extensions: [list] [*]XR_KHR_D3D11_enable ( Windows only ) [*]XR_KHR_D3D12_enable ( Windows only. Added in 1.13.4. ) [*]XR_KHR_opengl_enable ( Added in 1.13.6. ) [*]XR_KHR_vulkan_enable [*]XR_KHR_visibility_mask [*]XR_KHR_win32_convert_performance_counter_time ( Windows only ) [/list]If you are expecting widespread support for a specific KHR or EXT extension and intend to use it in your project, please tell us about it in [url=]the OpenXR forum[/url]. [/list] [h2]Did we miss anything? Have further feedback?[/h2] Let's chat over here in [url=]the OpenXR forum[/url].