[h1]Update Highlights[/h1] Today's update features the ability to spawn views of individual desktop windows and dock these views on your controllers. Docked views help you monitor chats and other real-time information without taking off your headset. [video=autoplay preload loop poster=http://media.steampowered.com/apps/250820/announcements/windowview_update/windowview3_thumb.jpg]http://media.steampowered.com/apps/250820/announcements/windowview_update/windowview3.webm?v=1[/video] We also added two per-app rendering customizations: [b]Field of View[/b] and [b]Override World Scale[/b]. Field of view allows users to trade off peripheral vision for increased clarity. Overriding world scale adjusts the perceived scale of the world, which can help get the size of an aircraft cockpit to feel just right, or help short people reach tall places. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//5519564/a04945190d633012a1127be77479da1a9d24d5dd.png[/img] [h1]Full Update Notes[/h1] [b]SteamVR:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed bug in Desktop View that caused tray size to jitter. [*]Added ability to add individual window views in Desktop View. [*]Added ability to dock views to left and right controllers and to see them in-game. [*]Fixed cursor rendering crash in Desktop View. [*]Improved window/desktop button section horizontal scrolling in Desktop View tray. [*]Fixed bug that was leaving windows with highest z-order after interacting with their window view. [*]Disable window resizing and minimizing when window view has focus. [*]Improved warning text for rare (display related) headset error. [*]Added ability to reposition docked views on controllers. [*]Allow users to spawn non-overlapped windows. [*]Improved handling of users minimizing windows with an active window view. [*]Fixed laser mouse length to be consistent with desktop and window views. [*]Fixed flickering bug with mouse cursor locking on click. [*]Desktop View keyboard can be used across any view and toggle button state gets correctly updated when user dismisses keyboard with "Done" button. [*]Fix per-app motion smoothing setting being hidden for Windows Mixed Reality headsets. Also exposed the global setting for them. Details: Headsets that use their own compositor have the current settings communicated to them, but it is up to the driver author to handle them. WMR for SteamVR does respect these settings. The Oculus driver does not (there is no API in the Oculus SDK to control ASW at this time), so the Motion Smoothing controls will remain hidden for Oculus headsets, and those users will need to continue using Oculus tools for adjusting. [/list] [b]Per-application Video Settings:[/b] [list] [*]Field of View – Allows trading off peripheral vision for increased clarity (e.g. reading glasses). This works by using the same total render resolution to draw only a smaller subset of the scene. [*]Override World Scale – Enables adjusting the perceived scale of the world (e.g. to get the size of an aircraft cockpit to feel just right, or help short people reach tall places). [*]Note: In both cases, applications may cache values related to these features, and therefore may need to be relaunched for new settings to be fully applied properly. WMR headset users will need to opt into the beta version of Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR. [*]Override World Scale: Added "fine" and "extreme" slider ranges. [*]Reorganized layout, and marked certain settings as advanced or hidden if not applicable (e.g. Legacy Reprojection Mode is only shown if Advanced settings are enabled, but is also hidden if using an Oculus or WMR headset where that setting does not have any affect). [/list] [b]OpenXR:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed hand tracking joint poses mismatch with controller pose. [*]Fixed menu button not working for Vive and WMR controllers. [*]Match Oculus grip and aim poses for touch controllers. [*]xrCreateSwapchain will now return XR_ERROR_SWAPCHAIN_FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED if the provided swapchain format is not on the list of enumerated formats. [*]Added support for XR_COMPOSITION_LAYER_UNPREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA_BIT. [*]Added support for XR_COMPOSITION_LAYER_BLEND_TEXTURE_SOURCE_ALPHA_BIT. [*]Hand tracking extension now uses unobstructed/open hand motion range as default. [*]Implemented Hand tracking extension for "with motion controller" poses (new in OpenXR 1.10.16) [*]Eliminated long delay before returning failure when an OpenXR app inside an app container calls xrCreateInstance but SteamVR isn't running. [*]Fix for HP Reverb G2 thumbstick input not working. [/list] [b]Vive Pro:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed SteamVR crash when using room view over Vive Pro wireless adapter. [/list] [b]Vulkan:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed 32bit Vulkan applications intermittently failing to submit textures. [/list]