[h1]Update Highlights[/h1] With this update, SteamVR on Windows officially supports the OpenXR 1.0 API. This will allow developers to build their application once, and run natively on all major PC VR hardware. This update also adds new settings to give users more control over motion smoothing by letting them run the application at a lower framerate. [h1]Detailed Update Notes[/h1] [b]OpenXR:[/b] [list] [*]SteamVR now passes all OpenXR 1.0 conformance tests on Windows for Vulkan, OpenGL, D3D11, and D3D12. [/list] [b]SteamVR:[/b] [list] [*]Added per-app settings for overriding automatic throttling and prediction behavior. This is useful for applications with particularly poor performance that benefit instead from a fixed lower framerate for an overall smoother experience (e.g. sims). Note: These settings are only available to headsets which use SteamVR’s compositor (e.g. Index, Vive). [*]Allow motion smoothing to apply up to six frames of extrapolation (was three). Note: This also only applies to SteamVR’s compositor. [*]Disabled the HTTP request to check for updates when SteamVR is running without Steam. [*]Fixed abrupt app exit when attempting to transition from 2D mode in Desktop Game Theater to a native VR mode. [/list] [b]SteamVR Home:[/b] [list] [*]Limiting GPU memory allocation based on available GPU memory to fix some bad perf corner cases [/list] [b]OpenGL:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed OpenGL apps running against direct-mode drivers using NT handles and/or texture arrays. [/list]