[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//5519564/7b2beed6b19945a2f5aba8df1bebe17b5ff27601.png[/img] [h1]Detailed Update Notes[/h1] [b]SteamVR:[/b] [list] [*]Bugfix: Additional fixes for Desktop View on NVIDIA Optimus laptops. [*]Bugfix: Fixed the preferred desktop index setting referring to a monitor that is no longer connected. [*]Bugfix: More intelligently choose which GPU to use for Desktop View. [*]Bugfix: Desktop view now gracefully handles monitors connecting/disconnecting. [*]Bugfix: Room View 3D processing now pauses when the camera is inactive. [*]Bugfix: Improved driver_lighthouse compatibility on CPUs without SSSE3/SSE4.1 support. [*]Bugfix: Fixed the message overlay interface. [url=https://github.com/ValveSoftware/openvr/issues/1383](https://github.com/ValveSoftware/openvr/issues/1383)[/url] [*]Bugfix: Fixed "HMD not found" regression with Index / Vive / Vive Pro on Windows N/KN installs. [/list] [b]Valve Index Headset:[/b] [list] [*]Allow dual audio output to built-in speakers and 3.5mm aux jack (firmware update required) [*]Improved Bluetooth base station power management reliability, which fixes most cases of base stations failing to power on for Index users on Windows 10 update 2004 or newer. [/list] [b]SteamVR Input:[/b] [list] [*]Allowed bindings for Windows Mixed Reality Controller to be edited even if a controller isn't present. [*]Improved error reporting for developers when action manifest files and binding files have parse errors. [*]Further improved simulated controller types to include the headset tracking system. Some games look at this to decide what kind of controllers are likely present. [*]Bugfix: Fixed binding UI not showing up on the desktop for many users. [*]Bugfix: Delayed game startup long enough to read the input config so that the game's first attempt to read information about attached devices will include simulated controller types. Some games only read this information once and fail to notice if the information changes later. [/list] [b]OpenXR:[/b] [list] [*]Added a display of the current OpenXR runtime to the Developer settings, along with a button to set SteamVR as the current runtime. [*]Added support for using SteamVR from inside app containers. This permits WebXR content from Chrome and UWP OpenXR apps to use SteamVR. [*]Bugfix: Fixed pose actions requiring "/pose" on the end of the bindings for pose actions. [*]Bugfix: Fixed grip action space transforms on Index Controllers and Vive Controllers. [*]Bugfix: Fixed vector2 actions not binding properly. [*]Bugfix: Fixed tracking properties returned by xrGetSystemProperties always being false. [/list] [b]Linux:[/b] [list] [*]Bugfix: Improved compatibility with the Steam Linux Runtime. [/list]