New update! Changes for v1.1.1: - [b]You can now destroy almost all pickups with your welder[/b], to reduce the possibility of blocking yourself. Exceptions are quest items like lost bags and waste barrels, as well as anything required for the critical path (such as the fuel and Miraclium during the tutorial) - Destroying a crate will abort your current delivery mission (with the usual credit deduction) - Destroying fuel (in either raw or refined forms) will cause an explosion that hurts you and damages your ship (just for fun) - You can no longer sell waste barrels from an upgraded refinery (or anything else with a credit value of zero) - Fixed Hole's introduction bugging out Red Weed distress missions - Fixed Red's introduction causing a crash if you return to your ship midway through disposing of barrels - Fixed crash caused when a romanced Red tries to talk to you in certain circumstances - Fixed formatting in console exhibits menus - Fixed upgrades not resetting in post-post-game