Space Bandit is [b]OUT NOW[/b] in early access with a very special [b]20% release week sale[/b]! [b]Why should you buy Space Bandit? [/b] No real good reason I can think of... though maybe if you like: [list] [*] Brutal (one hit kill) twin stick shooter game-play. [*] Hilariously clever fun AI that doesn't just run at you like an idiot. [*] Teleporting... THROUGH PEOPLE. [*] Exploding barrels everywhere. [*] 4 Procedural generated zones and roguelike stuff keeping game-play fresh. [*] 4 unique no bullet sponge bosses. [*] Crazy weapons like the Rail Gun that shots through walls. [*] Having a fine professional business colleague that chain smokes and spouts conspiracy theories. [*] Kicking enemies that are already dead because they could always be deader. [*] Shooting people out windows into the void of space. [*] The 20% release discount. [/list] Wait? Those are all really good reasons to buy it! [b]GRAB SPACE BANDIT AND GET GUD NOW! 20% OFF.[/b] [previewyoutube=P07OdoMT0ZM;full][/previewyoutube]