Do you want to help us develop Snow Plowing? Extrabeta for you!
Author: Freemind Games - Adam,
published 1 month ago,
[h3]Hey! ❄️
There is currently a bug with the playground on the general version - you may find that this level cannot be snowed. At the moment we can't upload the fix to the official build, due to linking it to our new planned update - a change to the save system☃️
For weeks, our developer has been working on improving the save system - there were sometimes situations where some NPCs would disappear (e.g. the bussinesman, the cemetery woman) or there were some problems with snow - like just on the playground. On the extrabeta version - this is fixed!
ːtheplanetːLater in the post, I will write about how to access this special versionːtheplanetː
A new machine is added on the extrabeta version:
(it unlocks after completing the 7th task, whoever did it earlier will already have the Snow Blower available in the shop)[/h3]
However, there is one important thing. Due to changes in the save system there may be problems with your earlier saves. That is why we do not want to change the version to the regular beta, and even more so to the official version. Therefore, we would like to ask you - does anyone voluntarily want to help us test it? We are here to help you all the time, if there are any problems, we will discuss them right away. We would also like to hear from you if you report any issues so that we can rectify them as and when they arise. It is also important that you make a copy of your save, but I will explain this later.🏂
How do I start testing? You can use one of this 4 options:⛷️
1. write under this post that you are interested
2. add me as a friend on Steam and tell me you're interested
3. email
4. write to me on our FreemindSA discord:[/b]
If everything works, extrabeta will be available to the public within days :)
Thank you for your support and understanding![/b]💝ːthebuilderːːladyengineerː
There is still one bug with snow clearing after hitting a fence with a tools, but we are going to fix that in the near future. Thanks for reports!