Not so much time left until steam next fest and yet, I'm still posting update notes several days late as usual. Consistency is my second name, what else can I say. [h2]New area - Sandstone desert[/h2] Since the game has natural area progression wood->mineral->wood->mineral the next area should be next tier wood. Since I aleady had regular green forest and autumn hardwood forest my first intention was to make some sort of winter forest. But winter match better with the softwood trees like pines and 1. Softwood isn't better then hardwood, so it doesn't have sence having it better wood then the previous one 2. I already did an area with this types of trees. So I decided to go the other way and see how far can I get with staying close to reality with wood types without adding wood refinement. So I found the real prototype for my ironwood trees and made the whole area based on it. [img][/img] Since there's an npc in each area now I also added this little guy, that have mask\scarf to cover his face in the desert. [h2]Other updates[/h2] [list] [*] Added sound to trading with npc [*] Rebalanced trees and stones to be less grindy [*] Fixed render order of hitbar so it doesn't get hidden behidn trees and bird [*] Added vfx on trade to pile of loot behind the npc [/list] [h2]Special thanks[/h2] Todays special thanks go to Mavyla Bei, a streamer from Brazil that I randomly stumbled onto. Even though all my knowledges of portugese are limited with two lessons on Duolingo I still enjoyed the video even though I had to watch it with auto translation of auto subtitles. And thanks to Fefe Note for advicing Skillwood in the first place [previewyoutube=xbCHZLIHlhk;full][/previewyoutube]