Hi everybody, First, thanks to all of you who bought the game on launch and also for all the positive reviews, much appreciated! Today we have the first "regular patch" for you, an update that fixes most of the recently reported issues. We are also updating the Chinese and French texts, especially for Chinese this should mean a big improvement in quality. [b]Here are full release notes - version 122f5cb3[/b] [list] [*] [BLOCKER] Hotfixed a rare case of equipment in consumable slots breaking load [*] Updated Chinese and French translations [*] Fixed a few typos in the English texts [*] Fixed list of objectives not refreshed on map load [*] Fixed campaign music triggered in campaign level start screen not interrupted when going straight to combat at the beginning of a level [*] Fixed escape not closing slavers panel in Fossorian base but the whole base, making hired units available again [*] Fixed panels for units without an upgraded version erroring out when trying to open their unit details panel in slavers panel in Fossorian bases [*] Fixed recently built building stuck highlighted when quickly switching between bases of similar type [*] Fixed "debug tile" texts showing in the first loaded level until the player moves the mouse (in campaign it was there until dialogs finish) [*] Removed unclocalized 'consumable' tooltip on empty consumable slots [*] Fixed garrisoned hero not automatically selected in base item markets [*] Fixed Worm doesn't get buried if it's upgraded via field promotion [*] Fixed side quests in Gold Fever and Confluence scenarios [/list]