Update 1.1.18 - Double your fps!
Author: tobspr,
published 4 years ago,
Hey guys!
While I was working on the wires thingy I also did a lot of performance improvements. Originally I planned to release both together, but I figured that it would be cool to already have those improvements out! (Also feels bad to have no update for a week :P)
So, this update adds [b]huge[/b] performance improvements to your factories, which have the potential to double your fps!
[h2]Performance Improvements[/h2]
I don't want to go into details, but I mainly optimized belt and tunnel performance. Previously, every belt was a single entity and managed the items on it. Now, there are belt paths which are much faster to compute since they can move items much more efficient.
As you can see, only the position to the first item on the path (The small purple rectangle) and the distance to the next item (the number shown on the right side of an item) are stored now.
To update a belt path, I can now simply reduce the distance on the last item and continue so until the whole belt has progressed (while reducing the spacing). This is much faster to update!
I also improved the performance of tunnels since I know that many of you switched to them to save performance! They should also be much faster to compute now :)
And to make it even better, rendering of belts should now also be faster due to the new system!
[h2]Further changes[/h2]
[h3]Earlier Blueprints[/h3]
The shapes required until unlocking blueprints have been reduced so that you effectively unlock blueprints earlier. I am trying out those values and will see on how that works, or if further adjustment is required!
[*] Level 8: 1250 -> 1000
[*] Level 9: 1750 -> 1400
[*] Level 10: 2250 -> 1600
[*] Level 11: 3000 -> 1800
[*] Level 12: 4000 -> 2000 (here you get the blueprints)
Looking forward to your feedback!
[h3]UX Improvements[/h3]
There is now a 'Copy Key' button when viewing shape information, so you can use that to create a marker from it for example.
You can now also click on a variant (like the counter clockwise rotater) with your mouse to select it.
[h3]Belt Animations[/h3]
The FPS of the belt animation has been improved, previously it would look like the belts would go backward on higher belt speeds. It should also be much smoother now :)
You can now press 'Q' over a color/shape patch to select the extractor for placement. (by Gerdon262)
[h3]Rotation per building[/h3]
Previously, the last selected rotation would be stored per building. For example. if you place a painter and then select a belt, the belt would have the same rotation initially.
Now, each building stores this rotation individually. If you dislike this behavior, you can turn it off in the settings. (by Magos)
[h3]Further changes[/h3]
- Fix deconstruct sound being played when right clicking hub
- Update belt placement performance on huge factories (by Phlosioneer)
- Fix duplicate waypoints with a shape not rendering (by hexy)
- Fix smart tunnel placement deleting wrong tunnels (by mordof)
- Added chinese (traditional) translation
- Updated translations
[h2]What's next[/h2]
- Wires, wires, wires :D It'll be awesome!