More improvements, QoL features and bug fixes. [h2]New SSShady Leaderboards[/h2] [list] [*] You can SSS the Broken Knight. On your second playthrough, the armless battle will end with a results screen once the knight is dead. [i]You may need to watch the ending again, this is just to avoid accidentally skipping the end game achievement[/i]. [*] You can SSS [spoiler]One Hundred. The level is now a truly endless arena. Even after completing all the parkour trails, the fight won't stop until you're dead, and only those who manage to survive a hundred knights will see their names on the new rankings. states until you reach 100, and you won't lose them if you get hit or die. The Flawless Leaderboard counts the time it took you to reach 100.[/spoiler][/list] [h2]QoL Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Controller Layout UI, available from Pause Menu > Options > Controller [img][/img] [*] New UI visibility option. You can hide Style Ranking UI but keep your States Icons by selecting the new 'Show UI' option called 'Only States' in the Gameplay Options. [img][/img] [*] The leaderboard can be viewed for each rankable level from the Pause Menu. [img][/img] [*] Cravenness levels show the Results Screen on your second play. [/list] [i]There's a similar request to add a style points UI to the pause menu. That UI uses stats that are only available after a level has been completed so I can't move it as is, but I'll try to find a solution for this in the next update.[/i] [h2]New Player Experience[/h2] All the hubs in the Nexus open one at a time upon completion. While I still like the idea of an open-door approach when you can reach some areas with enough skill, in the case of Shady it was a bad design choice. The very possibility of skipping the first hub, Ignorance, leads to nothing but unfair difficulty and lack of basic knowledge. I hope this fix will help more people get into the game! [h2]Fixed Bugs[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed. Crash floor breaks after a Quick Restart (most noticeable on Overwhelmed) [*] Fixed. Triggered ballista shoots after a Quick Restart [*] Fixed. Dancing Blades stopped falling after a few resets + a new hint on how to deal with them when they are loose. [*] Fixed. A softlock after performing Chained Dropkick on Lancers (if they were killed or rolled during the process) [*] Fixed. Clipping through the ground on The Orb when sliding under the wooden logs. [*] Fixed. Walled Weapon Runes gave you a weapon at startup if triggered a moment before a Quick Restart. [*] [spoiler]Shield slide throw now works with the grapple.[/spoiler] [*] + Some minor issues [/list] Almost two weeks after release, but it feels like two months and my to-do list isn't getting any smaller haha. Thank you so much for playing! I'm so happy to see more and more amazing runs and awesome speedruns <3 Yours, cptnsigh