Hi everyone, I haven't heard of any critical bugs since the last upd, so I took this chance to make this one full of neat improvements. Welcome to the first Quality-of-Life (QoL) update! [h2]Blessed Improvements[/h2] [list] [*] [b]Blessed have an aura effect that should help you identify and prioritize them[/b] in the middle of a fight! [*] Blessed Lancers, Heavies have [b]a different Death Mark for their Skyfall Strike,[/b] [*] Blessed Lancers, Heavies, and The Armless also have [b]a visual marker at the exact landing position,[/b] [*] Blessed Spiders show the [b]approximate range of their explosion[/b] upon death. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37562106/4d1621c54eaa48799920b6795b5933ebe20c4bcb.gif[/img] [h2]Flawless Run X Falling Enemies[/h2] Any enemies that are airborne and have no ground far below them will die instantly the moment you destroy the orb! There is no need to wait for them to fall and die. [b]If they don't have a chance to recover, your flawlessness will be unquestionable.[/b] [h2]Wall-kick Range Mark [/h2]Charging your kick in mid-air now activates a shadow indicator at the range of the wall kick. No more guessing if you have the right distance for a perfect wall kick. [b]You see the blob - you kick a wall![/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37562106/2995c48c599d792cd0b293adb282fcbeb00b3b79.gif[/img] [h2]Damage X Focus[/h2] [i]I noticed that Focus was almost never used, and there's a simple reason for that. When the game is hard and you're swarmed by enemies, you don't have time to think of another key. Getting hit only made things worse, slowing you down in a two-hit health system![/i] What if your reflexes went into overdrive for a split second when you took damage? [b]Now, instead of the basic slow-mo when you get hit, Focus activates with a brief boost to your grounded speed, and enemies fly further away from your strikes, [/b] giving you the chance for stylish revenge, not inevitable doom. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37562106/0142feae5be3ff787f27ac3537fa941b80feaea0.gif[/img] [h2]Fixed Achievements: Swift Switcher & Slam Lord[/h2] Swift Switcher and Slam Lord are now achievable! Sorry for the wait, also check out the description of the second one, the rule has changed slightly to make it more fun. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37562106/b826af7d7db2f3e8bb142532271648f45828ab12.png[/img] [h2]Mouse Sensitivity Range[/h2] The lowest mouse sensitivity is 0.1 (before 0.5). If you need more precise value (two digits after dot) you can override your mouse sens. from the console: [olist] [*] In the main menu press '~' [*] type 'mousesens/1.55' to set mouse sensitivity to 1.55[/olist] * Reset the overridden value at any time by tweaking the mouse sens. from the gameplay options. [h2]Other smaller but neat QoL features![/h2] [list] [*] [b]Quick Restart can be set to 'On Tap', or '0.2s', '0.4s'[/b] if you'd like to keep the restart key close at hand, but avoid accidentally restarting a level during intensive replay. The new option can be found at the bottom of the gameplay options. [*] Press Attack key after breaking the Orb to skip the delay before fading to the Results Screen. [*] Flawless and Skull icons will appear in the hubs at the boat portals. [*] The style system is harder to cheese by repeating bonus and parkour style points without engaging in a combat. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37562106/b858c17132d015cd2ed4b9aad25b7c3c33299410.jpg[/img] [h2]Level Improvements[/h2] [list] [*] Improved enemy positioning on The Crown. [*] Improved King Ballista. Fixed the issue with the enemies' pathfinding, more manageable and noticeable ballista blast! [b]To those who SSS-ed the old version, I salute you, we are the knights forged in the fire of the unpatched King Ballista Blast! [/b] [*] New hint for Slide Bash on Strong Stance, [*] Rephrased hint for Tangent Wallkick on Blessed Heavies, [/list] Hopefully I can slow down a bit for the updates as I really want to start playing with some new concepts. I think, the first content update will be 99% practice mode related. I am thinking of a special interactive arena where you can experiment and learn all your skills in a safe environment. Yours, cptnsigh