SCP: Secret Files Launches on 13 September 2022!
Author: 小球球,
published 2 years ago,
As promised, we had some big news to share at this year's Future Games Show, which took place a little earlier as part of gamescom 2022.
First up was an updated trailer, showing off some new gameplay snippets and laying out the foreboding vibe players can expect to encounter when the full game finally hits. And when will that be, you ask? Well, this brings us to our second big reveal of the day - the release date. We're excited to confirm that SCP: Secret Files will officially launch on [b]13 September 2022[/b]!
[i]Check out the Future Games Show trailer right [url=]here[/url][/i]
Did you catch the Future Games Show live? What are your thoughts on our new trailer? And are you all set for the full release of SCP: Secret Files next month? Keep an eye on our [url=]Twitter[/url] for all the latest news and events - and join our [url=]Discord[/url] to get involved with our community!
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