Steam Next Fest kicks off on June 13, and we're currently putting the finishing touches on a gameplay demo that will be made available to all players during the festival! We can't wait for everyone to try it out, and we're looking forward to receiving your thoughts and feedback. There'll also be a brand new gameplay trailer, so get ready for an onslaught of SCP goodness! But wait...what's that you say? You simply can't wait till June 13...and you live in the Orlando, Florida area of the United States? Well you're in luck - it just so happens we'll be attending GCX 2022, which takes place in Orlando on June 11 + 12. Come check us out at the event, and seize this opportunity to play the game before everyone else! More info on GC 2022 can be found here: For all things SCP: Secret Files, find us on: Twitter - Facebook - Discord -