[b]SAVE THE DATE [/b] We're fortunate to be chosen to be part of the [b]8th FUTURE GAMES SHOW[/b] Showcase, this time LIVE from Gamescom. Tune in to the below links and details to get an exclusive first view to our [b]NEW TRAILER[/b] and some [b]BIG NEWS[/b]! Watch the LIVE SHOW, or click [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo7Eo992m-Q][u]here[/u][/url] [previewyoutube=Eo7Eo992m-Q;leftthumb][/previewyoutube] TWEET US [url=https://twitter.com/files_scp]@files_scp [/url] #Futuregamesshow #Gamesradar #Gaming #newgames APPLY FOR GAME REVIEW KEY [url=https://forms.gle/w5LyQYw14pUheJxb9]here[/url]